Welcome at Soccervision 


First of all I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Yannick van der Schee and I'm 22 years old. At this moment I'm a student at the Sports University of Eindhoven. The next six months I will follow a minor 'Sports Performance Enhancement'. This minor is based on talent recognition and talent development. Short summary of the minor: I have to follow six players from NAC Breda (professional soccer club) to detect their talent. Than I have to measure their points on the three aspect that generates a talent, technical/tactical, physiological and psychological. At the end when measuring is done, there can be made a development plan for the player. This can be used by the talent for developing his talent and getting into the first team. 


While I met a lot of people which work with soccer teams lately, I got to know that everyone has a different vision about soccer. This triggered me to develop my own vision about soccer, because my ambition is to work one day with a professional soccer team. 

My idea with this blog was not only to write down the interesting things I pick up daily at work, but also share them with others, so everyone can read my findings and give their opinions about it as well. In this way, everyone is able to share their vision with other soccer fanatics.


So look around, share your vision and spread the word!


Yannick van der Schee,

owner Soccervision 

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